Book title, book category, year, price, stock, author, publisher, and cover photo are all fields found in every book record. The user can now add book records to the many categories that are available.
The user can now move on to the books section after adding categories. The book category can be managed by an admin by simply providing its name and code number. The administrator is responsible for all actions. An employee’s access to the system is restricted.Īll operations within the system are overseen by an administrator. An employee plays the position of cashier in this web application’s overview.
In addition, the system allows for the creation of book categories.Ī Bookstore Management System In CodeIgniter, Admin and Employee Panel are the two sections of the project. In addition, the system lists all of the books that are available, along with every information. This Bookstore Management System Project In CodeIgniter is primarily concerned with dealing with books and their sales records. Bookstore Management System Project In CodeIgniter With Source Code